Yesterday on the 17th of March, the $dVPN network reached an all-time-high record of over 1300 concurrent users.

18 Mar 2022, 10:47
Yesterday on the 17th of March, the $dVPN network reached an all-time-high record of over 1300 concurrent users. That means over 1300 people were paying for and using dVPN applications built on Sentinel's protocol at the same time! The record on Sentinel's ETH based dVPN protocol was over 2000 users, however those were free users. Reaching a mark of over 1000 paying users online at the same time is truly commendable and the biggest gratitude goes out to the community that has made this possible. The Sentinel dVPN network has been online for over 3 years now and once these mobile and desktop applications built on Cosmos are truly robust and feature-rich, white-labelling will begin at a rapid pace exponentially increasing Sentinel's market reach and aggregate user-count. There are very few dApps in existence that provide true utility to the mainstream consumer. Join the Sentinel network in its journey of providing provable privacy to millions of users all around the world!