This is a list of the changes to the Hub which will mark the beginning for a less inflationary and more revenue oriented Sentine

23 Dec 2022, 06:59
This is a list of the changes to the Hub which will mark the beginning for a less inflationary and more revenue oriented Sentinel tokeneconomic system Next Sentinel Hub Upgrade v0.10.0 COSMWASM - Integration of CosmWasm *Allowing for the functioning of smart contracts on the Sentinel Hub *Ability for the creation of a native Sentinel Dex Environment TOKEN-LOCKUP/GOVERNANCE - Implementation of Proposals 14, 15, and 16 * Locking of the coins in Continuous vesting accounts as proposed in the above proposals * Only the accounts which are voted "YES" on those proposals * All the coins (delegations, un-bonding, redelegations, and available) will be locked * For proposal 14 refer: * For proposal 15 refer: * For proposal 16 refer: * List of the addresses NODE MIN/MAX PRICNIG - Minimum and maximum per GB Pricing Mechanism * Current problem of extremely pricing (SENT/GB) in some nodes * The maximum/minimum dVPN price can be democratically set through Governance proposals * Node hosts can set different currency denominations of pricing TOKEN REVENUE SHARE - dVPN Revenue Sharing/Work Token * 20% of the dVPN revenue will be shared with the all the delegators including the validators * This distribution will be automatically added to the staking reward * Long-Term Token-economic Model to replace inflation and ultimately create a revenue driven ecosystem - All inflation rates will be updated according to new Toke-conomic model agreed on by community - Integrated IBC Interchain Accounts module