There are 80 people using #dVPN applications built on Sentinel at this exact moment.

05 Jan 2022, 07:37
There are 80 people using #dVPN applications built on Sentinel at this exact moment. View Real-Time Network statistics at: Visit: Before Sentinel transitioned to the Cosmos ecosystem, it would be common to find over a 1000 concurrent users on Sentinel's ETH based $DVPN applications. However, it is important to note that the current statistics represent the network activity of paying users, while the older statistics of Sentinel's #ETH based #dVPN network represented the activity of free users. Obviously it is much easier to see a strong trajectory in growth of a free dVPN application, generating a strong trajectory for monetized dVPN applications is the real challenge and this is the focus of the ecosystem at this point of time. The more users are paying, more node revenue is generated, resulting in an overall increase in protocol revenue which will be shared with $DVPN token stakers. The Sentinel ecosystem is striving towards 4 digit active sessions, before higher goals.