The MathNodes team (involving @freQniKs and others) is building and will soon launch a desktop #dVPN application for Linux and M

20 Jun 2022, 06:51
The MathNodes team (involving @freQniKs and others) is building and will soon launch a desktop #dVPN application for Linux and Mac OS X devices. This desktop application runs on Sentinel's Hub and utilizes its community-hosted node pool. The UI/UX and design is currently a work-in-progress and there will be continuous process of iteration as dVPNs built on Sentinel continuously upgrade over-time in order to have a similar aesthetic and user experience quality to that of centralized VPN applications. Watch a preview of the Meile Desktop $dVPN application below! Anyone can build on the Sentinel-CLI to construct their own desktop or mobile applications on-top of Sentinel's Cosmos based Hub.