Hey guys, ill clear up some of the misunderstanding around the proposal, the commonwealth will also get updated.

08 Sep 2022, 17:56
Hey guys, ill clear up some of the misunderstanding around the proposal, the commonwealth will also get updated. The window for the chain to be updated is as soon as the code is ready and the proposals have passed on chain, so a minimum of 28 days (very high chance its more) either way we are not in a rush, so keep this in mind in your expectations on timeline. After the proposal nodes will be paying a tribute on their usage to stakers, the initial tribute will be extremely low % wise, but governance will be able to set it higher, later on. The tribute will not be upfront, but based on user consumption of the node bandwidth. The new inflation drop will be 12% even in november 2023. So inflation will drop to 25% when the chain is updated and later on to 13% in november 2023. Staking contracts are a one time thing, only available during this upgrade, there will be multiple governance proposals on chain, and by voting on those proposals you will be able to lock your tokens. The rate for 100 DVPN is as follow: 105 DVPN total 1.25 yrs 110 DVPN total 2.50 yrs 115 DVPN total 5 yrs So just to repeat someone locking 100 DVPN in the 5 years option would be getting an additional 15 DVPN tokens. The balances are updated upfront and can be compounded even if locked. We were approached by people interested on building DVPN specific applications on top of the cosmWASM that would be getting added with this proposal, the goal is to make sentinel a privacy hub centered around dvpn applications, one of this possible applications is in the very early stages and its being evaluated for funding. The whole DVPN infrastructure can benefit enormously from various tooling and incentive mechanisms built by third parties.

Same news in other sources

SentinelDVPN #739
08 Sep 2022, 18:52
This blog provides an overview of the first desktop dVPN application built on Sentinel's Cosmos based Hub, as well as an overview of the growth of the Sentinel ecosystem in the areas of: 1) dVPN Applications 2) dVPN Node ecosystem 3) Payment gateways
This blog provides an overview of the first desktop dVPN application built on Sentinel's Cosmos based Hub, as well as an overvie
https://sentinel.medium.com/launch-of-the-first-desktop-dvpn-application-on-sentinel-and-an-overview-of-sentinels-progress-953960c15cd3 This blog provides an overview of the first desktop dVPN application built on Sentinel's Cosmos based Hub, as well as an overview of the growth of the Sentinel ecosystem in the areas of: 1) dVPN Applications 2) dVPN Node ecosystem 3) Payment gateways
SentinelDVPN #739
08 Sep 2022, 18:52
This blog provides an overview of the first desktop dVPN application built on Sentinel's Cosmos based Hub, as well as an overview of the growth of the Sentinel ecosystem in the areas of: 1) dVPN Applications 2) dVPN Node ecosystem 3) Payment gateways
This blog provides an overview of the first desktop dVPN application built on Sentinel's Cosmos based Hub, as well as an overvie
https://sentinel.medium.com/launch-of-the-first-desktop-dvpn-application-on-sentinel-and-an-overview-of-sentinels-progress-953960c15cd3 This blog provides an overview of the first desktop dVPN application built on Sentinel's Cosmos based Hub, as well as an overview of the growth of the Sentinel ecosystem in the areas of: 1) dVPN Applications 2) dVPN Node ecosystem 3) Payment gateways