Attention all DVPN and Kujira users.

07 Mar 2023, 06:47
Attention all DVPN and Kujira users! We are excited to announce that badgerbite now has a relayer up and running, allowing seamless communication between DVPN and Kujira channels 70 and 59 respectively. This means that the proposal can move forward. With this relayer, you can expect improved connectivity and faster communication, whether you're using DVPN or Kujira. We're constantly working to improve the reliability and speed of our network, and this is just one step in that direction. We encourage all DVPN and Kujira users to take advantage of this new relayer and start communicating with each other today. If you have any questions or need help getting started, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. Thank you for choosing badgerbite, and we look forward to continuing to provide you with the best possible network experience.