A response to Proposal 10 relayed to community. The team supports a tokeconomic upgrade related to a decrease in inflation.

04 Aug 2022, 17:08
A response to Proposal 10 relayed to community The team supports a tokeconomic upgrade related to a decrease in inflation. Sentinel's current inflation reduction scheduled is structured to be a reduction of 6% every 6 months, with the next date of inflation reduction being on September 27th 2022. On this date the inflation rate will be reduced from 37% to 31%. The team supports the initiative for the inflation rate schedule to be amended, and believes that it would be important for the community to provide its feedback and insights which are required for a more thorough proposal can be made in a more holistic manner. The individual/individuals responsible for this proposal have strong intentions and wish the best for the community, however it is important for there to be discussion and input from stakeholders such as community members, 3rd party developers, whitelabel-hosts, validators, and application users. Therefore, the issuer of proposal 10 as well as the community are requested to undertake the same initiative of structuring an inflation decrease in a more thorough process of discussion with the intention of amending the inflation schedule on the exact halving date of the 27th of September.